NEW GROUP: SUNDAYS 8:00am (PT) 11:00am (ET) 5:00pm (CEST)
Hello All,I loved the suggestion of joining additional groups for more practice. I thought it might be fun to host an “Open Practice” where anyone wanting to join for more peer work can join as their time allows.
A drop in group for anyone wanting to join additional group. No registration or commitment. Join when you can, for whatever time you have. I suggest this as an extra group as that way it leaves space for those who show up to decide what we would like to focus on (perhaps only one of the exercises) and not necessarily cover all exercises the regular group covers, per David’s video of the week.
Join link: https://bit.ly/FlowSpeakingOpenPractice
(or full link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88574934259?pwd=dFJPNWZmYzNzdmF2MXpDc2tKRXp6Zz09)FYI – Waiting room will say “LAUGHTER NOURISHMENT WITH TAMAR!” – you have the correct room