Flow Speaking

Who will you be when you are fully self-expressed?

A Brand New LIVE 6-Week Online Course With Dave Rock, Internationally Celebrated Performer, Poet, And Founder Of The Flow Speaking Process. Starting October 17th.

Flow Speaking is simple to learn and goes as deep as you want to take it.

It’s about setting yourself free as a human being, through setting yourself free when you speak.

Over time, we accumulate so many limitations, inhibitions, inner-critics and blocks. Often they helped keep us safe, but now they stop us from living our fullest lives.

Flow Speaking lets you wiggle free from these and other constraints. Reclaim self-expression as a fundamental part of who you are. Freely access your inner wisdom, creativity, aliveness and inspiration. And have it all on tap.

It can also make you a delicious verbal magician and basically amazing speaker. But you don’t need to be one, or want to be one, to benefit massively from this transformation.

COURSE Overview

What happens when you flow Speak?

Some Comments from Participants in the Most Recent Flow Speaking Course


Spend time with amazing people and create incredible connections. Be free to really speak from the heart, be silly, be powerful, and show up with your whole self.

Every session includes empowering, playful ways to release stress, transform blocks, and create inspiration on tap. 

No one is ever put on the spot and made to speak in front of the group, but every session offers loads of opportunities to speak – everyone speaking at once, in small break-outs, and in front of everyone, in zero-pressure ways.

By the end of the course you will have oriented yourself for flow, confidence and creativity.


6 LIVE SESSIONS WITH DAVE ROCK Beginning October 17th

These Zoom meetings will have lots of space for practice and Q&A time. Replays will be available the next day for any sessions that you need to miss.

All Sessions run for 90 minutes starting at 10am PT/1pm ET/ 7pm CEST

1: Awakening to Flow

Our first session is a heartfelt, hilarious buffet of empowering, inspiring practices to get you flowing and washing away stress, shyness and inhibitions.

2: Transforming your inner critics and shadows into genius-juice

Discover Flow Speaking’s unique and liberating approach to self-love, gratitude and forgiveness - a playful flow-fuelled adventure.

3: Once upon a time… setting ourselves free from our stories about who we are

Our safe, light-hearted games help you bring some of the stories you have about your life out of the shadows to set yourself free from old stuckness, finding fresh energy, inspiration and love and laughter.

4: You are a Creativity Machine

There are ways to turn on the ideas taps for the rest of your life. Simple secrets to make more and more creativity a sustainable day to day reality for you.

5: Who would you be if you were fully self-expressed?

Fully expressing all of ourselves leads to startling possibilities, new chapters, unimagined adventures (big and little). You know those moments where you suddenly think “how the f*ck did I end up here? I love it!"

6: Flow Living - what happens next?

Living our gifts is about expanding into and flowing with the place of pure possibility within you, and practising coming from that place more and more, whatever else you wish to do.


Back view of male employee speaking on video call with diverse colleagues on online briefing with laptop at home.

Small groups of 5 or 6 people will gather in Zoom calls weekly to practice Flow Speaking with each other. Dave will be creating suggested practices for these gatherings.

The days and times of these groups are flexible so everyone can find convenient spaces.

For many of you, these intimate, heartfelt gatherings will be your favorite time of the week! Many of the groups have continued meeting after the course is completed.


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Each Wednesday during this course Dave will post a short video which will give you the main ideas supporting the upcoming session.

By sharing these perspectives in a video before the live sessions, it allows us to have more time to jump right into practicing together.

Try to make a point of listening to these before the sessions.


Back view of male employee speaking on video call with diverse colleagues on online briefing with laptop at home.

If you want take full advantage of this course it is highly recommended that you take a few minutes each day to practice Flow Speaking. 

Dave will create a new video each week to give you guidance in your personal practice. The practice video only takes a few minutes – but it will get Flow Speaking ‘into your body’ and make it more natural and rewarding.

What happens when you flow Speak?

Here are some comments from participants in Dave’s most recent course.

Flow Speaking

Starting Tuesday Oct 17th

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Flow Speaking

Starting Tuesday Oct 17th

3 Easy payments of $107

Limited-Time Offer

15-Day Money Back Guarantee 

Absolutely No Risk

We offer a limited number of partial subsides to support people in difficult financial circumstances. Email us at support@beinganddoing.online.

Any Questions?

Live sessions with Dave meet on six consecutive Tuesdays starting October 17th.

All sessions run for 90 minutes starting at 10am PT/1pm ET/7pm CEST.

Check your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Many people will need to miss one or more sessions. Every session will be recorded and replays will be made available in the Member Dashboard the following day.

Every week you will have the opportunity to join with an intimate circle of 5 or 6 people in a Zoom call. Dave will provide video instructions to watch together before each session. And then, you’ll practice and play together. These groups will take place on various days and at various times to try to be convenient for everyone.

Dave Rock is an award winning spoken word artist. His performances mix raw life stories with freestyle poetry, creating a playful, heartfelt connection with people. His poetry, and writings on consciousness, creativity and transformation, have a passionate following. 

In Dave’s many conferences appearances, alongside very well known speakers, he is regularly chosen as a favorite speaker/teacher by participants. 

Dave has taken thousands of people on a journey to live their gifts, through Flow Speaking coaching and workshops. 

Dave teaches and coaches CEOs, writers, award winning performing artists, alternative communities, and conscious teachers and speakers. His offerings combine flow states know-how with playful shadow-work and transformational practices. It’s all about living our gifts in a light-hearted, embodied, and real here and now way. 

Well… Flow Speaking starts very simply. In response to simple prompts you start talking. You resist all of the temptations to edit. As the prompts go deeper you will find yourself responding by saying things that surprise you, often delight you, and likely fill you with life and energy. As you keep practicing you’ll completely transform your relationship to speaking, and to yourself. You’ll discover an unconditional relationship with expressing yourself. You’ll discover fresh avenues of clarity, inspiration, and trust in yourself and in life. 

You realise you can always tap into your most inspired self. And you find you can hugely increase your levels of self-acceptance, connection with self and others, and capacity to live the life your heart desires. Plus, you end up being a great, natural speaker too, as a bonus : ) 

Obviously, we’re not claiming Flow Speaking can magically make everything perfect for you. It is a practice, and it takes practice. You can have big breakthroughs, but all transformation involves ups and downs. Transformation involves vulnerability, willingness, and most of all kindness and patience with ourselves.

Part of the excitement and revelation of Flow Speaking comes when you take little risks to speak with full expression even when parts of you want to contract. But taking any risk at all is entirely optional. No one is ever called to speak in front of other people unless they specifically request to.